Book Buffet — The Miracle Mindset

Sabrina Sourjah
5 min readFeb 22, 2019

As a voracious reader and writer, I read anything and everything that comes my way. Some for pure bliss and some for writing technique. But I assure you that The Miracle Mindset by J J Virgin (J J) should be on everyone’s must-read list.

This is the story of a mother (J J) and her son (Grant). The son meets with a catastrophic accident and the doctors give him a 0.02% chance of survival (no, that is not a typo). Add to that, that the accident happens when Grant dashes out in fury after a tempestuous argument with his mother. Not only does Grant survive, but he also thrives thanks to his mother’s miracle mindset. What goes through a mother’s mind when her son is in ICU? How does she keep the negative larks at bay? How does this mother not drown herself in a river of guilt? How does the family assimilate and be hopeful at the 0.02% chance Grant has of surviving? These are some questions that the book would answer.

As an aside, men may think that this is not relevant for them as it’s a mother’s story. I somehow cajoled my husband, who is a pretty macho dude, to read this. Although getting him to start on the book took a few false attempts, once he started he couldn’t put it down. So the story is relevant not only to women and mothers. This is a universal story that we can all learn from.

